On July 9, 2022, Building Resilience Inclusion Diversity & Growth thru Education (BRIDGE) hosted a Meet ‘N Greet Community Social at the KC Hall in Schulenburg, TX. The event was organized by the three Executive Directors of BRIDGE; LaKeisha Brown-Moore, Rebecca Powe, and Latoya Ray.
At the Meet ‘N Greet there were 15 local nonprofits and small businesses, a cakewalk, Silent Auction, Bingo, food and drinks. Guests could meet the BRIDGE team as well as learn more about the local nonprofits and small businesses who attended. During the event, the Executive Directors discussed the organization’s mission as well as how the organization plans to work within the community moving forward.
Building Resilience Inclusion Diversity & Growth thru Education (BRIDGE) was created in June 2021. The mission of BRIDGE is to bridge the racial gap in education, business, government and community by creating exposure and equal opportunities for rural areas through the use of education.
LaKeisha Brown-Moore, said “There are two reasons we did the event today. First, we hear a lot of people talking about not knowing the resources around them, especially the minority population. They don’t know the local nonprofits, what they do and how helpful they are to the community. Second, we wanted to bridge the gap with minority small business owners who feel they have no voice in the community.”
Rebecca Powe added that monetary donations would be used for future educational events, explaining “The event today is to raise funds to bring educational programs and business opportunities to the rural areas. The funds will be used to host events such as a college / career day, how to manage money, as well as a Business Bootcamp that teaches how to start a business from start to finish for elementary students to adults.”
LaToya Ray added, “We hope people will message us on our website bridgerural.org and follow us on Facebook @bridgeruralnonprofit for ways they can contribute to our mission and receive the latest BRIDGE updates.”
When asked why BRIDGE opened a Designated Fund with Fayette Community Foundation in 2022, Powe said, ”We chose Fayette Community Foundation because we want to invest in the community we are serving and connected to.” Brown-Moore further explained the benefits of working with FCF by saying, “We chose Fayette Community Foundation for our fund because Susannah has been super helpful throughout this whole process of setting up the fund as well as a great resource to start this [BRIDGE]. It was such an easy process and will be easier for everyone to donate to.”
The mission of Fayette Community Foundation is to build stronger, safer, and more vibrant communities by providing a bridge that connects caring philanthropists to those in need. Building upon its two-decade history, FCF strives to deepen its work alongside organizations, leaders, and donors alike to step up to local challenges and improve the quality of life throughout the region. FCF works with local nonprofits year-round to offer resources that support the hardworking organizations serving an 80-mile radius from La Grange, TX. Nonprofit organizations or local donors wishing to establish a Designated Fund ensure direct gifts are administered to a specific agency or purpose.
To learn more about ways Fayette Community Foundation can assist with your philanthropic goals, or to donate directly to the BRIDGE Designated Fund, please contact: [email protected], check out faycofoundation.com, or connect with the Foundation via Facebook.